
The weather in DC is finally starting to cool off and it truly feels like Fall is near. After a scorching hot summer, it’s nice to be able to exercise outdoors again comfortably. Luckily, DC is [...]

One of the most common New Year’s Resolutions is to lose weight. We all want to look and feel our best so whether or not you need to drop a couple pounds, regular exercise is proven to have numerous [...]

3 Can’t Miss DC Races to Run this Winter
The DC area is known for being one of the fittest regions in the country. In fact, the American College of Sports Medicine ranked Arlington the #1 fittest city in 2018. Clearly, exercise is an importa [...]

3 Ways to Fit in Exercise This Thanksgiving
You’ve worked all year on that New Year’s resolution of being a healthier you. You’ve committed to exercising several days a week, reduced you portion sizes, and picked the healthier options off [...]