Park Van Ness

3 Resolutions Every Washingtonian Should Make


It’s hard to believe, but the new year is here and it’s time to start making your plans for 2017. While many resolutioners adamantly believe in the “new year, new me” motto, studies show that most goals are abandoned just a few weeks into January.

At Park Van Ness, we believe that there are some resolutions that you can make to help improve your life as a Washingtonian. Let’s pass on the stereotypical commitments this year and promise each other to follow the resolutions below. After all, we’re citizens of the nation’s capital, and it’s time we start appreciating it!

1. Complain About the Metro Less

Alright, we admit, cutting out the complaints might be asking for a little much, but let’s at least strive to reduce the whining about our morning commutes. Yes, the metro is a huge pain and this may always be true, but there is no point in continuing to complain about something that cannot be changed. We’re all used to traveling to work on the SafeTrack by now, so do yourself (and the stranger beside you) a favor and bite your tongue the next time you want to voice a complaint about your commute. There are a number of apps to help you fast-track your commute and make the most of it. Ultimately, consider the hassles of the metro a small sacrifice you must make to be a resident of this hip city.

2. Strive for a Work Life Balance

We live in a city of workaholics. DC is home to some of the most influential and powerful individuals in the country so it’s only natural to want to be a part of that success. However, it’s important to find a work life balance that works for you to avoid burnout. So many hopefuls come to the city and forget to take care of themselves. They find themselves stressed out, overworked, and anxious and quickly go crawling back to where they came from. Try to block out some “me time” and find ways to unwind. Get out of the city for a few hours (or, hey, even a full weekend!) and visit some of the beautiful neighborhoods surrounding the district. Maybe take a hike through Rock Creek Park and enjoy the peaceful serenity away from your job.

3. Take Advantage of All the Free Offerings

You’ve been saying you should check out the natural history museum, the zoo, and the sculpture garden… well go! There are fewer tourists in the winter season so now is the perfect time to do all of those things you’ve been saying you want to try out. Don’t look back on 2017 with another “oh well, I guess I will do it next year” attitude.

Let’s all resolve to do these three things for ourselves this year. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day life and we forget that we live in a city where there is so much to do and see. Yes, we have to deal with our WMATA frustrations some days and the stresses of our jobs, but let’s make 2017 the year we stop complaining and start enjoying the incredible city we call home.

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